Christian Reformed Church of St. Albert
Opportunities for Connection
This page provides details on a handful of ways to get connected within the church community through our various ministries. Some of these include opportunities to volunteer in various aspects of church life which can provide deeper connection with the community. Contact Pastor Tony or anyone on Council for details on volunteering.
Please see the sub-pages for more details on specific ministries:
Friendship Group: We share God’s love with people who have disabilities.
Small Groups: We have a Ladies Small Group and a Men's Small Group available to join, as well as others.
Nursery: Newborn to age 3 are welcomed to quality, loving care in our new nursery facility! Located downstairs, take two right turns to find the entrance.
Kids Worship: (Sunday School) Every Sunday (Sept - June) for age 3 to grade 6.
Facebook Group: Private Facebook group for additional details and community building within the local church.
Pastor Tony
Pastor Tony is available to meet with you if you are in need of a listening ear, a word of encouragement, prayer, or if you would like to learn more about our church and/or the Christian life and faith. He can be reached at or by calling the church at 780-458-7568.
Potluck Lunches
Several times per year the church community enjoys a potluck downstairs after the church service. These are great chances to enjoy good food and fellowship with great people. Bring a dish if you are able, but if you can't, come anyways (no cost)! Look for announcements during the service or in the bulletin as they come up.
Community Garden
Each summer a community garden is made available to those who wish to use it. Typically those wanting to secure a spot will need to help with the spring and fall cleanup.
Contact Johanna Buisman for details on securing a spot or helping out (call the church for contact info).
Annual Rainmaker BBQ
Each summer we celebrate the St Albert Rainmaker (Rodeo) with a free BBQ after the church service. All are welcome to enjoy hamburgers, hotdogs or veggie burgers, all at no cost! It starts immediately after the morning worship service (approximately 11:45am). See the bulletin that week for details.
Facebook Group
The Facebook group (Christian Reformed Church of St. Albert) is an active place for community postings about ongoing church life. This is a closed group, available to regular attenders of the church. You can request access to join and an administrator will get back to you.
Prayer Team
Prayer is a vital part of the church life at St. Albert Christian Reformed Church. Contact Pastor Tony for more details and prayer requests.
Golfing Group
Meadowview is booked every Thursday at 5:00pm from late April to September for a group of golfers from St. Albert CRC. If you would like to join or have any questions feel free to call Peter Buisman.
There are a lot of areas in the church that need volunteers. To get an idea of the different types of roles there are, take a look at our Sign Up Sunday Form. We use these forms each September to get an up to date list of where people want to volunteer their time and energy, but the Deacons can accept submissions at any time.
More Opportunities
The bulletin, particularly the online bulletin, often has additional events and ways to get connected through the church, including with the broader Christian Reformed Church communities of the Edmonton area.
Many announcements can also be found on the church bulletin board near the front doors.
Fellowship at the Sunday Worship Services
Before and after the Sunday morning service are great times to meet others from the church and get connected. There are always snacks made available along with coffee and juice. Come early, stay late, strike up a conversation, or even invite someone out to lunch afterwards.