Christian Reformed Church of St. Albert
Virtual Tour
If you are new to the Christian Reformed Church of St. Albert, this page contains several photos to help orientate you on where to go.
First is an aerial photo of the church taken by one of our members (thanks Douwe!).
When you walk in the front door, you will be welcomed by a greeter who will pass you a bulletin. Ask them any questions you'd like and they will gladly help you. At the other end of the space is the coffee bar where coffee/tea and snacks are served both before and after the service.
Here's what the main sanctuary area looks like during a typical Sunday morning worship service.
There are no reserved seats, you are welcome to sit where you like.
Kid Zone
Located on the right hand side of the sanctuary and well-stocked with faith-based activities. You can sit near this area or bring the materials back to your seat. There are children's books, colouring pages, toys and fidgets. All children (and adults!) can use any of the materials.
Quiet room
This multipurpose room is located near the main entrance, opposite the greeter's table. It is used as a coat room, a quiet space for parents to feed their babies, or anyone who needs a quiet moment. There is a 2-way window into the sanctuary and a speaker with a volume adjustment on the wall. Leave the door cracked if you're comfortable or close it completely and people will knock before entering. Please be respectful and clean the space after you use it.
Lower Level
At the entrance to the building, immediately to your right will be the stairs to the lower level. You will be greeted by the artwork shown here. Much of the children's ministries occur in the lower level on a Sunday morning. However, they are dismissed during the service so don't head down there right away, unless you're looking for the nursery (ages 0-3).
At the bottom of the stairs, down the hallway on your right you'll find the nursery. You can sign your children ages 6 months up to 3 years old in here at the start of the service. The nursery attendants are there usually around 10 minutes before the service starts.
If it's your first time, you'll need to fill out a waiver form so the nursery attendants have the necessary information, which is kept private. All attendants follow Safe Church Protocol. You can leave your bag on one of the hooks so attendants have supplies for your child when necessary. They will not change diapers, but will come get you if a change is needed.
Main Hall (Lower Level)
This is the main hall on the lower level. On a Sunday morning, this area is usually used for storyteller and singing time with the children's ministry (Ages 3 to Grade 6).
We also regularly host potlucks in this space after the service.
Other areas of the lower level include a full kitchen and the main washrooms for the building. As you reach the bottom of the stairs, take two immediate lefts to find the washrooms.
There are 2 classrooms available on the lower level. One is set up for the Junior kids class and the other is for the Senior kids class.
This facility is wheel chair accessible, there are no barriers to entering the main sanctuary space and there is a washroom on the main level. There is a lift available when needed to reach the lower level, which is typically only used for children's ministry. Please request assistance.