Managing the Master's Money
It may surprise to know that money was one topic that was often in the heart and on the mind of Jesus; he spoke of it often. (Almost half of his parables refer to stewardship). Jesus probably knew that it is something we humans think a lot about too. How are we to view our material possessions in kingdom perspective? What implications does this have for how we use it? What does stewardship actually mean in today’s world? Join us for our three-part series of messages as we explore these questions.
January 22: Matthew 25.14-30. Loyal Stewards - Livestream Link:
January 29: Matthew 6.24; Luke 12.13-21.The Value of Money - Livestream Link:
February 5: Mark 12.41-44; 2 Corinthians 9.6-15. Generous Living - Livestream Link:
Additional Sermons:
February 12: "In the Valley with the Shepherd" (Pastor Tony Maan)
February 19: "The Source of our Strength" (Guest Pastor Frank de Boer)